Play, Socialize, Learn!

No bored or lonely dogs here! If you are looking for dog daycare in Plano, TX and beyond, Cosmic Canine’s is fun and safe way for pets to get the exercise, socialization, interaction, and mental stimulation they crave during the day. And it’s not just about fun—our daycare is a learning experience, too! Our daycare team is trained to support and reinforce your pet’s good manners and obedience skills while they play.

Free First Day of Play

Join the fun today and your pet’s first day is on us!

Free Day of Play is subject to availability and cannot be combined with other offers.

Daycare discount applies to first-time daycare customers only.

Daycare Reimagined

Cosmic Canine has restructured, rethought, and reimagined dog day care in Plano, TX to provide the attention and activity your dog needs, while also teaching and creating positive behaviors and experiences! At Cosmic Canine’s daycare, your pup will receive:

A Safe & Supervised Place to Play

Your dog’s safety is what matters most to us! We go above and beyond to ensure a safe and happy environment for all our furry visitors.

Benefits of Dog Daycare in Plano, TX

  1. Socialization. Exercising their social skills in a safe, supervised place is incredibly beneficial to many dogs. Not only do they crave interaction with their own kind, socializing helps build their confidence and sense of self.
  2. Exercise. Many pet parents just don’t have enough time to ensure their dog gets all the exercise they need to stay healthy. Daycare ensures your dog gets plenty of exercise and stimulation while you go about your day.
  3. Prevents behaviors associated with boredom. Dogs are intelligent creatures who want to be mentally engaged. This often leads to trouble when a dog gets bored and invents their own kinds of fun—such as chewing your couch, digging up the back yard, or a barking marathon. Daycare gives them the mental stimulation they crave!
Safer for you and your dog! Since we have a dedicated facility, there’s no need for a stranger to come into your home to walk or play with your dog. Plus, since we evaluate all social play dogs, you can rest assured your pup is only playing with other friendly, vaccinated dogs.