Dog Training

Dog training in Plano, TX is the heart and soul of Cosmic Canine and the foundation of all our services and programs. Everything in a dog’s life, good or bad, is rooted in the foundation training the dog received.

In honor of National Train Your Dog Month in January, we’re offering up to $300 off a training program and a FREE training evaluation ($75 value!)

Discount subject to availability and cannot be combined with other offers. Training discount applies to first-time customers only.

How Can We Help?

Dog training in Plano, TX is often considered a dog’s ability to follow basic commands. While this is true, dog training is much more than “just the sit.” Obedience training, when done well, also gives the dog a repertoire of skills and the ability to communicate with people.

The dog training foundation or “basics” are critically important to a dog’s ability to properly handle all life situations. The foundation gives a dog something to fall back on when overly stimulated, stressed, in a high drive state, or facing an intimidating new situation. The stronger the foundation, the better the quality of life for you and your dog.

Our goals of our obedience training programs are to:

Dog Training Programs

Depending on your goals and needs, we offer several different programs to suit your needs!
Not sure which program is right for you and your dog? Schedule your free evaluation with one of our trainers to learn more!

Our Dog Training Philosophy

While formal obedience commands such as “sit,” “down,” and “come” are important, learning these commands is just the tip of the iceberg. Our dog training philosophy is that good dog training creates harmonious relationships between humans and dogs more than just commands. A well-trained dog knows how to make choices and offer behaviors even when not told what to do. A well-trained dog also knows to comply when the formal commands are given under all types of distraction. Formal obedience commands are of limited value if your dog only listens in the house when nobody is around.

A Comprehensive Approach

The founder of Cosmic Canine started this business out of a love of dogs and passion for dog training as well as a first hand understanding of what people need when they seek dog training help. To be successful, a Stay & Train program has to have these three parts:

1. Dog Training in Plano, TX

At Cosmic Canine, our dog training is customized to your dog and your needs. When your dog arrives at Cosmic Canine, we immediately start to get to know your dog and learn their personality. Shyer dogs have a settling in period where we focus on confidence building and making them comfortable. Outgoing pups, their skill training starts right away! It is customized to your dogs, your needs and all depends on how your dog adjusts to being in a new place and working with new people. No two dogs are alike, so we take the dog’s personality into account when forming their training plan.
Dog training means teaching the dog important skills to help them understand human communication and successfully adapt to the human world. Depending on the dog’s issues and needs, dog training in Plano, TX could range from confidence building, to teaching positive skills to replace problematic behaviors, to advanced obedience to give highly active dogs productive and positive “jobs” to do.
Our customized dog training programs encourage dogs to think and offer behaviors, teaching them to make good choices! Dogs going through our behavioral program learn to respond to what was previously negative stimuli in a new, positive way. Dogs in our basic and advanced obedience training programs learn obedience skills which translate to positive alternative behaviors, more freedom to have fun, and more rewarding interactions.

2. Owner Involvement

When you come to pick up your dog, your dog is trained and understands many new things. Now it is your turn to learn! We’ll show you:
How to maintain your formal obedience training. We teach you to be your dog’s trainer for life! We teach you how to continue to maintain your dog’s training and even move forward on your own.
How to properly interact with your dog when not doing formal obedience training. You are constantly communicating and training your dog whether you like it or not. Formal obedience has it place, but you must also learn how to communicate with your dog and understand your dog the rest of the day. This is where the real world dog training comes into play.  You will learn simple techniques and concepts that will help you and your dog live together successfully!
How to properly use the dog training tools you are given. Training tools are as good or as bad as the person using them. Leashes, clickers, and training collars all must be used properly. We show you in step-by-step lessons how to correctly use the tools your dog understands.

3. Proper Management

Learning proper management for your dog is extremely important and key to lasting success in our dog training philosophy. We explain to you what is fair and reasonable to expect from your dog based on your dog’s breed, temperament, and energy levels, and how to manage your dog’s day to set them and you up for success.
After your dog’s training, we develop a management plan based on your specific challenges and your dog’s specific temperament, energy level and needs. When you pick-up your dog at the end of the program, we give a management plan and instructions for you and your dog.